Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wrapping Shoe Boxes

This month, we're really focusing on our Operation Christmas Child initiative!  For more information about this ministry, check out the Samaritan's Purse website.  To participate, you pack a shoebox or plastic container with toys; and Samaritan's Purse distributes them to children around the world.  Our goal is 40 shoe boxes!

Now, you may find, as we did, that one of the more challenging aspects of this project is wrapping your shoe box.  One of our counselors, Mary, came up with a great (and easy) way to wrap a shoebox!  She helped Colleen wrap her shoe box today, so we thought we'd share with you how to do it!  Here's how to do the shoe box lid, and you can wrap the rest of the box similarly.

First, line the lid up within a piece of wrapping paper, and cut 4 diagonal slits that point toward the 4 corners of the lid.  Starting with the shorter ends of the lid, fold the paper over the lid; and tape.  (As you start to fold, you may need to cut the slit closer to the lid so that it folds over properly.)

Here's a side shot of one end of the lid so you can see how close the slits come to the corner and to see how it's taped.

After the first end is finished, wrap the opposite end of the lid the same way.  Then start on the sides!  Trim the paper so that it folds over the side of the box and leaves enough for you to tape the paper on the center portion of the box.

And here's the finished product!

Easy wrapping makes for happy ladies! 

We hope this makes it easy for you to wrap your shoe boxes or containers for Operation Christmas Child!